Facts about Kashmir

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Kashmir is a fun and interesting place to visit. But before you embark on your journey there, there are some important facts about Kashmir that you will want to know.

History of Kashmir

During the first part of the first millennium, Kashmir was dominated by Hinduism. This particular territory became an important Hindu center. Later on, Buddhist influences made their way into the territory, and they dominated Kashmir until the ninth century, when Shaivism influences came in.

After the Shaivism influences came in, monarchs ruled Kashmir over five centuries. After that, the British ruled Kashmir until 1947. Since Kashmir gained its independence, the territory has been under dispute.

Kashmir’s Government

Kashmir is a territory that is currently under dispute. This territory is currently under the rule of three different nations, India, China, and Pakistan.

Kashmir’s Culture and Entertainment

The culture of Kashmir is quite interesting. People are generally friendly and love to have fun.

The people of Kashmir are lovers of entertainment and are quite festive. There are a number of festivities that one can attend, such as the Kashmiri Pandit Festivals, various music festivals, and the wazwanfeast.

If you like to go out drinking, you will have to do something else for fun. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in most parts of this territory.

Travel to Kashmir

The quickest and most effective way to travel to Kashmir is by plane. To save money on your travels, you can go online to find some outstanding travel packages, or you can talk to a travel agent.

Kashmir’s Economy

Tourism is a large part of Kashmir’s economy and has been for decades. People come from all over the world to see some of the most outstanding tourist attractions. One of the greatest tourist attractions is Amarnath cave, which is regarded as the world’s most holiest Hindu shrine.

Agriculture is another major staple in Kashmir’s economy. Many crops are cultivated here, such as fruit, rice, and various vegetables.

Traveling to Kashmir Accommodations